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Russia’s Spetsnaz Survival Machete
This weird Russian survival tool has more uses than any US survival knife and can save your life in the wilderness or urban environment. It can hammer, chop, cut, pry, saw, pummel, and you can even use it as a ruler.
Who are the Spetsnaz?
The Spetsnaz is the Russian special forces group. It was created during WWII to meet the demands of unconventional warfare. Their main tasks were cover demolitions, sniping, and recon. The Spetsnaz were distinguished with maroon berets–similar to how US Rangers wear green berets. Today the Spetsnaz does everything from counter terrorism to civilian and military policing.
Demand for a New Survival Tool
In the 1950’s, during the height of the Cold War, the Spetsnaz needed a tool that could chop, cut, pry, saw, hammer, and do about every other field duty. It needed to be able to do machete work for the heavy vegetation areas as well as knife work for the camp. It also needed handle garrison labor.
The tool could be used for down pilots, field soldiers, and anyone else who needed a good field knife. The tool needed to be small and light because soldiers will be carrying it for long ruck marches (20+ km a day).
Overall: 390mm
Blade: 220mm
Steel: 420 Stainless
Weight: 1kg
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