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Ushanka (Russian Fur Hat) by OUTBOUND
Ushanka (Russian Fur Hat) by OUTBOUND

Ushanka (Russian Fur Hat) by OUTBOUND

Ushanka (Russian Fur Hat) by OUTBOUND

Ushanka (Russian Fur Hat) by OUTBOUND

Ushanka (Russian Fur Hat) by OUTBOUND


Ushanka (Russian Fur Hat) by OUTBOUND

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Keep yourself warm in winter with the famous Russian Ushanka fur hat!

This Russian faux fur hat known as an Ushanka, meaning “earflap hat”, is designed to protect the wearer from the extremes of the Russian winter. The earflaps are made to be worn in a variety of ways; they can be tied up out of the way over the crown of the hat for everyday wear, or they can be tied together under the wearers chin to protect against the cold by keeping the chin and cheeks warm and insulated. Multiple styles of wearing.

Size L fits ~56cm - 59cm
Price: $79.95
Please make your selections.
    • L
    • Silver
    • Price: $79.95

      Qty: 310

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